Rossall School News – Michaelmas Week 2

Every cloud has a silver lining! This beautiful photo was captured by
Year 13 student, Anastasia (Dolphin House)

Message from The Headmaster

Dear All, 
The first full week of term is underway and our boarders and day pupils are now back together in class. Despite the adjustments that we have needed to make to our routines, the school day is settling into a pleasing rhythm and there is a genuine sense of joy within our community. Teachers are adapting superbly well to incorporating a small number of online learners into their lessons. Some of those issues which we thought might cause anxiety, frustration or irritation have been brushed off by our boys and girls who are much more interested in cracking on with School life. 
I think we are all desperately bored of words and phrases like ‘bubbles’, ‘the new normal’, ‘flattening the curve’, ‘lockdown’ and ‘social distancing’. Some of these words or phrases are rather troubling. For instance, we certainly do not want people to socially distance…though, sadly, we are required to physically distance. Socially, we very much want our children to be as close as possible. 
Similarly, those who talk of bubbles as hermetically sealed entities or communities of interest cut off from the world beyond, are equally misled. Communities are based upon relationships that extend well beyond the reaches of their physical boundaries. Whilst, it is judicious to limit contact between year groups within Schools, our boarders are members of vertically configured boarding households and our day pupils go home to their families that include grandparents, cousins and friends. Inevitably, our own experiences of COVID-19 is based more upon what happens beyond our gates rather than what happens within these 160 acres. We have a uniquely challenging responsibility during these times and that is to do everything within our power to minimise risk and to maximise opportunities for our children. For us the need to keep all within our community safe is a day-to-day reality and, in all honesty, our staff do not have the luxury of deliberating about it from a theoretical perspective. We acknowledge that there is a huge diversity of opinion within society and, consequently, there is an inevitability that some will judge our actions to be overzealous or unnecessarily cautious. Few of us have had the benefit of being isolated from the impact of Covid and it is misguided to imagine that we, individually, have a unique insight that is denied to others. The longer this global crisis persists, the harder we will all find it to accept the restrictions upon our lives. 
It was wonderful to see the Football Academy training session last Saturday morning with Mr Newson. We have so many talented players within the academy and it was good to watch them being put through their paces. The commitment and hard work on display was outstanding. The return of sports is one of the most exciting aspects of this last week but, on a personal note, I am delighted that we have plenty of willing helpers to look after our farm animals. Mr Collins tended to the animals during lockdown and residential staff were on a rota which included clearing out the goatshed!  
We intend to reintroduce hot meals for day pupils as soon as possible but we will probably do so over a number of weeks. More details of this will follow. Mondos will reopen on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and we are keen to ensure that very small groups of children from the same boarding households are able to go for walks (with members of staff) within the spectacular and wild beauty of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. Again, we will communicate more about this as soon as is reasonably possible. 
The School Calendar is going online this week and the first component of House Music was launched on Monday. Choral Evensong will make a return later this month and various musical ensembles are now up and running. Consequently, there is much to celebrate as we head towards the weekend. For all of us, the challenge is to be grateful for all that we have rather than dwelling upon those things which we wish were different. Our children deserve for us to share in their endless positivity, good humour and appreciation of all that is possible here are School. As always, there is so much that we can learn from them.
Thank you for your continued support and, as a parent, I am incredibly grateful to all of our staff. To have three happy young girls delighted to be back with their friends and in class is all I could ever ask for as a father. 

All best wishes,

Mr Jeremy Quartermain
Headmaster of Rossall School

Message from the Junior Headmaster

Dear Parents,

The term has well and truly begun, with pupils settling down to new routines and rekindling friendships. They have been engaged with new topic areas of learning and I have been delighted by the huge amount of support and positive emails that we have received from parents; thank you!

Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ events that took place this week, provided a better insight into what is happening within the classroom and I am sure that you will all feel a little more relaxed having met the teachers and to have had any queries or questions answered. If you have anything further that you wish to discuss, please let me know and I will be more than happy to meet or speak with you.

During the early part of next week, you should receive a letter about our curriculum changes, as well as a year group specific half-termly information sheet for the core areas of learning.

A small plea for drop off and collection procedures: where possible, could you please remain in your vehicle, as this supports the through-flow of traffic and allows us to ensure the element of social distancing. Thank you in advance for your help.

Finally, I would like to offer huge congratulations to all of our children for the way they have returned to school. I would like to offer particular congratulations to our new Junior School Captains, Ruby and Edward, who will serve in their roles until February, when we will appoint two more Captains to join our Junior Leadership pupil team. My sincerest congratulations also to our new house and music captains – Lake, Archie, Hope, Blossom and Evie. You are all representative of the true qualities that Rossall inspires and I know the younger pupils will look up to you throughout the time in your role.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Turner
Headmaster of Rossall Junior School
Introductory Evenings September 2020

Thank you very much to all our Senior School parents who attended and contributed to our online Introductory Evenings this week.

If you did not manage to attend please find below a link to recordings for each of the year group events.

All Rossall Learning Community events this term will take place online. They will be recorded and shared with parents via our website.

Please look out for further details of future events in our weekly newsletter.

Ms Dina Porovic
Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning)
This week’s assembly features a musical performance by Year 3 pupil, Rhiannon. There are messages from Mr Quartermain and Mr Prest, and a presentation by Ms Porovic. We also welcome the rest of the new staff members, and Mr Edney introduces our new students to the School’s song, ‘The Carmen’. We hope you enjoy.
‘Rule of Six’
Friday 11th September 2020

Boris Johnson has announced new restrictions that limit the number of people allowed to meet up socially. These restrictions are designed to prevent the need for a  second lockdown.  It is the case that infection rates amongst children and the elderly remain very low indeed. However, there has been an uptick in cases amongst young adults and the vast majority of these cases have been due to people socialising together in private houses, or visiting clubs, bars and restaurants. 
Please note:

Gatherings of more than six people for work or education WILL continue to be allowed. 

Organised team sports can continue so long as it is played in a ‘Covid-secure way’. 

Consequently, this announcement has no discernible impact upon any aspect of School life.  

All of our sporting activities are fully risk assessed and played in accordance with government guidelines and recommendations provided by sporting governing bodies. 

A full list of exemptions from the ‘rule of six’ will be published on Monday but I just wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you that the rule does not apply to educational institutions. We are pleased that the government is being cautious and taking sensible measures to ensure community transmission levels remain low.
The Saturday Clinic, run by Fiona Quartermain (Head of Learning Development) and Fiona Gallagley (Teaching Assistant) commences on Saturday 19th September from 10.00am to 12.00pm in the Learning Development Department, located above Mondos.

If pupils need any additional support or guidance with study skills/prep and a quiet place to revise and work, they may find the Saturday Clinic very beneficial. Places are limited and support needs to be tailored to individual needs depending on subjects and the age ranges of pupils who are keen to attend.
To register your interest, please send an email to  [email protected]
Badminton @ Sports Centre 10:30 – 12:30. Only 24 per hour. 
Football (non academy) @ Main Field 10:30 – 11:30 
Basketball (weather permitting) @ MUGA 10:30 – 11:30
Tennis @ MUGA 10:30 – 12:00. 4 per hour
Outdoor gym @ Astro 10:30 – 12:00 16 per hour
5k dash @ Pavilion 10:30 – 11:30

Please click here to view the weekend activities.

Please note that for this weekend, the activities are for our boarding students only. However, next week, the activities will be available to both boarders and day pupils. Day pupils will have to sign up to the activities prior to the weekend.
​We are delighted to be able to offer Speech and Drama lessons again after 100% of our pupils gained distinctions in the Spring examination session. Lessons are taught in pairs​ (within the same bubbles)​ or individually on a weekly basis, rather like the peripatetic music lessons and pupils can focus on Acting, Public Speaking or the Speaking of Verse and Prose. LAMDA have been helping learners across the world develop into confident speakers since the 1880s but their principle aim remains the same ‘to provide all people with the opportunity to improve self expression, self-assurance and, most importantly, have fun.’ 
Lessons are available from Year 2 through to Year 13 and we have two specialist LAMDA teachers – Mrs Mistry and Mr Campbell – who have experience in both professional acting and teaching.  If you would like to find out more, please email our LAMDA co-ordinator on [email protected]
APPLICATION FOR PERIPATETIC LESSONSAt Rossall, all pupils have the opportunity to receive one-to-one instrumental tuition.

Whether they wish to learn purely for fun, to achieve ABRSM/Trinity/Rock School qualifications or to support their GCSE, A Level or International Baccalaureate music studies, we have a dedicated team of expert teachers to support and guide them along the way.

Lessons take place before, during and after the school day and many pupils enjoy weekly instrumental lessons.

We offer tuition in:

French Horn

If you wish to enrol your child in one-to-one instrumental lessons,
please click here to apply.

Please note: Pupils already enrolled prior to September 2020 do not need to re-apply.

Lessons cost £210 (All fees are subject to periodic increase in accordance with Rossall School’s Terms and Conditions).